PowerUp MicroGrid

Neighborhood by Neighborhood, Village by Village - Electrical Power for All

Find Out More

1 BILLION people have NO ACCESS to electrical power.

Community-built "PowerUp" MicroGrids will provide electrical power for education, communication, work and play - to a 100 million families, in 5 years.

See how

Power for All.

Simple, Proven Technology

Simple, proven, commonly availible hardware & technology. Nothing fancy, it just works.

Cost effictive and Open Source design

Low cost per service point, nothing prioprietory, free as in free.

Community Powered

Built, owned and maintained by the community. How do you scale to hundreds of millons, easy.

Possible, Now.

Seriously. When we know how to fix it, there's nothing left but to work together to implement.

Lets talk.

Want to help our project? Want to build a PowerUp MicroGrid? Talk to us:
